,, Apple Inc. – What do these three tech-giants have in common? Apart from the fact that they influence almost every aspect of our daily lives they were also rated the top three companies for excellent customer service by MSN Money’s 2012 Customer Service Survey. When it comes to business, the “best” product isn’t enough, you must also have the best service around and make your customers feel as if they are valued, cared for, and appreciated by your company. This principle can be applied in a variety of ways to the multifamily community industry but today Professional Multifamily Redevelopment of Atlanta, GA would like to focus in on how you can apply great customer service principles to your maintenance department to keep your residents satisfied with your service.

Apple’s Five Steps of Service

Apple sums up their steps of customer service in a very simple way:

Approach customers with a personalized, warm welcome.
Probe politely to understand the customer’s needs (ask closed and open-ended questions).
Present a solution for the customer to take home today.
Listen for and resolve any issues or concerns.
End with a fond farewell and an invitation to return.

While Apple – and many other companies – apply these steps to a sales environment, they can easily be interpreted and applied to a service maintenance situation to make sure that your residents are getting their problems solved to their satisfaction. Typically, if the maintenance team has been called to a residence, they could be walking into a stressful situation with a disgruntled customer, which makes customer service skills essential to not only solving the specific maintenance issue but also eliminating any negative feelings stemming from the situation.

During interactions between your maintenance team and residents, you are not directly selling, but you are directly marketing.  It  is important to always keep in mind that every interaction you have with your residents is an opportunity and will impact your occupancy rates. Keep your residents happy and they will happily pay any premiums of living in your apartment communities and most likely, recommend your community to their family and friends.

Professional Multifamily Redevelopment understands the importance of customer service, and we guarantee any interactions with our company will go above and beyond your expectations. For your multifamily renovation needs in the Atlanta, GA area, contact us today and know that we will help you maximize your renovation dollars.